Aftercare Instructions

DermSheild Aftercare

  1. After your artist applies the Derm Shield adhesive bandage, we recommend leaving it on for 1-3 days. NOTE: If you experience redness and/or itching around the Bandage shortly after application, you may need to remove it early(# 4). Feel free to contact the shop with any questions.

  2. You may shower with the Derm Shield Bandage applied, given that it's waterproof. However, hot tubs, swimming, sunbathing and strenuous exercise are NOT recommended until the tattoo is completely healed.

  3. Fluid buildup under the Bandage is completely normal. If it seems excessive or is leaking from the sides, you are welcome to remove it and apply a new DermShield Bandage. If the leak is small, you may wash the area with hypoallergenic soap, pat dry with a new, clean Paper Towel, and add a new piece to the area.

  4. Bandage Removal should always be done under running water or in the shower to help loosen the adhesive. Once a corner has loosened, pull the bandage down towards itself, to start peeling it off. Never pull out, away from the skin.

  5. After Bandage Removal, clean the area thoroughly with hypoallergenic soap. Be sure to remove all excess and dried fluid. Rinse. Pat dry with a new, clean Paper Towel.

  6. Another DermShield Bandage may be applied at this time. The second or third piece of DermShield can last up to 4 Days each, if desired.

  7. Once you have decided to stop using the DermShield Bandage, you are welcome to apply a small amount of lotion. Apply several times daily to relieve dry, itchy skin. 

Plastic Wrap Aftercare

  1. Considering allergies or large dimensions of a tattoo, your artist may have applied a Plastic Wrap as an alternative to DermShield.

  2. Plastic Wrap may be left applied for up to 12 hours. If there is significant fluid buildup, remove the wrap.

  3. Once the Plastic Wrap is off, clean the area thoroughly with hypoallergenic soap, under running water or in the shower. Be sure to remove all excess and dried fluid. Rinse. Pat dry with a new, clean Paper Towel. 

  4. After the wrap has been removed, do NOT apply an additional wrap.

  5. Wait 1-3 days before applying Lotion. The lotion can then be applied several times daily to relieve dry, itchy skin.

  6. Hot tubs, swimming, sunbathing and strenuous exercise are NOT recommended until the tattoo is completely healed.


  1. We recommend HustleButter after lotion. Other acceptable brands are Lubriderm, Curel, Jergens, etc. Do NOT use Aloe Vera or petroleum based products such as A&D.

  2. Hot tubs, swimming, sunbathing and strenuous exercise are NOT recommended until the tattoo is completely healed.

  3. We recommend Recovery Aftercare Soap or another hypoallergenic antibacterial liquid soap.

  4. If you have any questions or concerns, do NOT hesitate to contact the shop. You are welcome to come in or send an Email with photos of the healing tattoo.