Krissy Bergquist
Krissy Bergquist has had a passion for art her entire life, and in tattooing has found her calling. She is an all around competitor and will do whatever it takes to make sure her client is happy. She received a bachelor's degree in Fine Art from Western Illinois University where she worked to perfect her skills and develop her own style. She enjoys doing all types of tattoos but loves getting to create custom pieces that have a traditional feel to them.
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Nate Bjork
When one thinks of horror, one should also think of Nate Bjork and his dead-on amazing tattoos. In 2006, Nate apprenticed under Cleen Rock One, a finalist from Spike TV's hit show Ink Master. Since 2007 he has been tattooing on his own and began portraits in 2010. With a passion for black and grey, as well as color realism, he enjoys creating all types of tattoos. Nate is a shy guy in real life but a family man off the clock, who loves to amuse his wife and daughter.
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Billy Raike
Billy Raike is a crowd pleaser. This well rounded versatile Tattooer got his start in 2009. Quickly learning the craft, he is now ranked among the elite Chicagoland tattoo artists. Constantly pushing himself to grow, his work is always evolving. Variety in style and techniques guarantee a unique original tattoo every time.
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Tom Begley
'Handsome' Tom Begley, an Epidermal Pigmentation Modification Specialist, is a modest man. While aware that his striking gaze is second only to the McConaughey himself, he refuses to be distracted by his own reflection. He works tirelessly at his craft and continual pursuit of perfection, and lives each day cursed with the knowledge that he has not yet seen the world's greatest work of art... because he has yet to create it.
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